For me it's a great pleasure to share what I do with the fans of the blog and the general public, photos made in Mauritius and Rodrigues.
I am Donnyfer Philippe, photographer based in Mauritius for the time being.

Years passed, I've evolved with time. I've kept the passion burning, I've learnt a lot from people from numerous places around the globe through sharing, exchanges and active learning sessions etc. Today I perform as freelance photographer and entrepreneur. I am a real fan of nature and attractive landscapes. I will travel miles night and days to reach a spot then adjusting everything to capture the moment. For me photography is quite new I must say as I am learning everyday.
Photography helped me to better respect and appreciate the world in which we live and also to develop patience , lots of patience as I am obsessed with long exposures.
With photography I've been in lots of places, met lots of people, heard lots of stories, witnessed the magic of nature and so on.
It is a gateway for me to unleash my creativity and share my passion, my thoughts and emotions in an artwork.
I am also involved in portraiture and a wide variety of photography services which I perform on professional basis. I welcome you to contact me on my mail address to have an idea about my works and portfolio and further discussion:
La page facebook pour le suivre c'est ici!
Congratulations! I have nominated your for the Liebster Award! A blog award created to recognize and discover new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere. Here are the rules and my questions to you:
RépondreSupprimerMerci Lovely Brunette! J'ai déjà éte nominée plusieurs fois pour ce Liebster Award, je te remercie d'avoir pensé à moi.
SupprimerLes photos sont simplement sublimes ! :=)